• woman considering making a personal injury claim

    A Step by Step Guide to Making A Personal Injury Claim

    This article was originally published on 1st June 2020 and was updated on 16th February 2022. 1. The Scene of the Accident Your priority after being involved in an accident...

  • car collision

    What is meant by a split liability claim?

    Not all personal injury claims are straightforward in terms of working out who was at fault for the accident. Sometimes it could be a case of ‘six of one and...

  • injured woman on crutches

    6 Common Reasons Why People Don’t Make Personal Injury Claims

    This article was originally published in February 2022 and was updated in November 2022. A surprising number of people do not claim personal injury compensation after an accident that wasn’t...

  • pi claim

    What is a typical payout for personal injury in the UK?

    If you have an accident and suffer injury, you’ll likely choose to make a personal injury claim. The claim will be against the person or organisation responsible for the accident....

  • gym accident

    Can you claim for injuries suffered in a Gym Accident?

    What a difference a few months can make. According to an article of the 12th of January 2021, in the Guardian newspaper, UK gyms, pools and leisure centres were teetering...

  • gavel

    Understanding the Basics of Personal Injury Law

    What does personal injury law come under? Personal injury law cases are dealt with under civil law. If you suffer injury or illness in an accident caused by someone else's...

  • pi claims

    What are the most common types of personal injury cases?

    We hear the terms ‘personal injury cases’ and ‘personal injury claims’ being bandied about all the time. However, what exactly do we mean by a ‘personal injury case’ or a...

  • personal injury questions

    Is Personal Injury a Civil Case (and other questions, you always wanted to ask)?

    Contrary to what the press would have you believe, the idea that there is some kind of ‘compensation culture’ in this country, is a myth that has been bandied about...

  • personal injury claim rejection

    What should I do if my personal injury claim is turned down?

    If you have the misfortune to be injured in a car accident, accident at work or an accident in a public place that you believe was not your fault, you'd...

  • Common Personal Injury Questions

    5 common questions we get asked about personal injury claims

    We hear so much on the radio and TV about making a claim for personal injury, if you’ve had an accident that was not your fault. We may have already...