Asbestos Disease Q&A: Part Seven
This is the final blog in a series of seven which was written after we held a Q&A with asbestos solicitor, John Hall, who handles asbestos claims on behalf of...
Why a slip, trip or fall can be more dangerous than you think
Most of us have slipped, tripped or fallen over at some point, often thanks to hazards such as wet floors, uneven surfaces or poor lighting. A slip, trip or fall...
Asbestos Disease Q&A: Part Six
Experienced asbestos disease lawyer John Hall works with Mooneerams Solicitors to act on behalf of our clients who want to bring asbestos disease claims against their former employers for exposing...
“It’s just a little injury” – but is it really?
The vast majority of injuries resulting from accidents are thankfully minor. In the context of road traffic accidents, for example, statistics compiled by the Department for Transport show that of...
Asbestos Disease Q&A: Part Five
This is the fifth blog in a series of seven which was written after we held a Q&A with John Hall, the asbestos solicitor who handles asbestos compensation claims on...
Asbestos Disease Q&A: Part Four
This is the fourth blog from a series of seven, written flowing a Q&A session with expert asbestos disease solicitor, John Hall, who works in conjunction with us at Mooneerams....
Life after the Whiplash Reforms – what price access to justice?
“For too long, some have exploited a rampant compensation culture and seen whiplash claims an easy payday, driving up costs for millions of law-abiding motorists. These reforms will crack down...
Asbestos Disease Q&A: Part Three
This is the third blog of a seven-part series of blogs following a Q&A during which, Mooneerams partner asbestos disease solicitor, John Hall, discussed a whole range of topics relating...
7 surprising things you might not know about personal injury claims
Millions of people sustain personal injury each year. A startling number of those, however, are reluctant to claim compensation for their injuries, even when those injuries have caused significant pain...
Asbestos Disease Q&A: Part Two
In the first of our seven-part series of blogs taken from a live Q&A session, asbestos disease expert John Hall talked about the asbestos conditions of Pleural Plaques and Pleural...