12 Things You Should Know About Making A PTSD Claim Against Your Employer
Updated: May 2024 to include the latest guideline figures for assessing general damages in PTSD claims. If you suffer PTSD from work-related issues, consider making a post-traumatic stress disorder claim...
How Social Media Could Damage your Personal Injury Claim
Social media is now very much a part of everyday life. Many of us (4.7 billion worldwide, in fact) can't get enough of sharing, liking, Tweeting, Tik Toking, and generally...
Is it time to give the Rules of the Highway Code some teeth?
Possibly the least surprising news we've read in a while came via a recent article in the South Wales Argus, which carried the headline: "Majority of drivers have not read...
‘It won’t last’ – Mooneerams solicitors celebrates its 20th birthday
Twenty years ago, a small (as in out of a bedroom, small) personal injury solicitors firm was born and took on its first clients. The founders of this fledgling law...
Mooneerams Solicitors opens four more offices in Wales
So far it’s been a phenomenal year for Mooneerams Solicitors. We won the prestigious Personal Injury Team of the Year award at the Wales Legal Awards in May 2022, and...
Q&A With Jennie Bibbings at Shelter Cymru
As part of our ongoing support for Shelter Cymru, our Charity of the Year, we are delighted to feature a Q&A with Jennie Bibbings, Head of Campaigns at the charity....
Injury Prevention Week: What You Should Know About E-Scooter Accidents
This week is Injury Prevention Week, and this year the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL), a not-for-profit organisation that has fought for the rights of injured people for over...
What types of injury or illness are those experiencing homelessness more likely to be vulnerable to?
What are our ‘basic needs’ as human beings? There may be some debate over some of the ‘needs’ to be included. However, an ever present in any basic list of...
How To Choose A Personal Injury Solicitor In Cardiff
Mooneerams Solicitors of Cardiff is an award-winning firm of specialist personal injury solicitors. We only deal with personal injury claims, and we only act for people who want to pursue...
We’re over the MOONeerams with Wales Legal Awards honour
At Mooneerams Solicitors, our clients always come first. We live by the yardstick that as long as our clients are happy with the quality of the work we do for...